Solar installation in hospital setting require special attention and care as the system that provide support to the doctors and patients are critical must not be interrupted. Grace Ahmedabad was able each of this establishment with accuracy. As Hospital needs to continually expand a high measure of power of power life sparing medicinal hardware and keep the surgical administration running 24 hours a days.

Grace provides both installation facilities. Hospital generally requires all of their grounds for building space and parking so mounting hospital solar panels on the roof is advised as the best option. The Grace provides power purchase agreement where you will have a free solar pv system installed and maintained for 20-25 years.

Benefits of solar panels for hospital use

  • Save some money in every year since they will be cutting the costs of their energy bills.
  • Solar panels are noise and pollution free which is more keeping with the peaceful and healthy environment of a hospital.
  • There are no moving parts and maintenance is minimal.
  • Solar power is only available when the sun shines. Therefore night time application will require other sources of power or power from batteries charged through solar.
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